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QCPR: Quality CPR Saves Lives

Measure To Improve

There are many factors that contribute to survival from cardiac arrest but none as powerful as receiving high quality CPR.

What is QCPR Technology?

Laerdal’s QCPR-enabled manikins and feedback devices measure the quality of CPR performance, providing real-time and summative feedback on the critical components of high-quality CPR as defined by the American Heart Association.

Help Ensure Quality CPR with Real-Time Feedback

The consensus is clear: high-quality CPR saves lives,1,2但是当秒一个d millimeters can be the difference, even seasoned professionals can have difficulty achieving correct compressions on look and feel alone.

Fortunately, multiple studies3,4have shown that real-time feedback can improve the quality of compressions provided.As the Resuscitation Academy's Mike Helbock states below, "You cannot improve that what you cannot measure," meaning if your goal is to optimize performance, performance feedback becomes a necessity.

Resuscitation Experts on Real-Time Feedback

Five experts share their thoughts on the role of using real-time feedback devices in improving survival from cardiac arrest.

AHA Feedback Requirement

Following the scientific evidence on feedback devices highlighted in the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC, effective January 31, 2019, the AHA now requires the use of an instrumented directive feedback device or manikin in all AHA courses that teach the skills of adult CPR.1

Explore Solutions

Community CPR

Now available with a gaming element and feedback technology, instructors can improve CPR training quality, classroom efficiency and learner engagement.

Professional CPR

The Resusci range has been used to train over 500 million people. Further enhancements ensure it will keep helping you create teams that perform at their best.


Upgrade kits are available for you to easily install and benefit from the improvements.


1.Frequently Asked Questions: AHA Requirement on Use of Feedback Devices in Adult CPR Training. AHA Instructor Network.

2.美国Heart Association (AHA) Requirement on Use of Feedback Devices in Adult CPR Training Courses. AHA Instructor Network.

3. Feedback Device Specifics for CPR Instruction. AHA Instructor Network.

1. Steven L. Kronick, Michael C. Kurz, et al Part 4: Systems of Care and Continuous Quality Improvement 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015;132:S397-S413
2.Nichol G, Thomas E, Callaway CW, Hedges J, Powell JL, Aufderheide TP, Rea T, Lowe R, Brown T, Dreyer J, Davis D, Idris A, Stiell I; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Regional variation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and outcome [published correction appears in JAMA. 2008;300:1763]. JAMA. 2008;300:1423–1431.
3. Skorning, M., Beckers, S.K., Brokmann, J.C., et al. (2010), Resuscitation; New Visual Feedback Device Improves Performance of Chest Compressions by Professionals in Simulated Cardiac Arrest”
4. Buleon, J. Parienti, J-J, Halbout, L., et. al.(2013) AJEM; Improvement in chest compression quality using feedback device (CPRmeter):a simulation randomized crossover study