Home Downloads 다운로드: ALS Simulator (SimPad capable)

다운로드: ALS Simulator (SimPad capable)


ALS Simulator Advanced Software for SimPad (Legacy Instructor Application)

513.3 MB - Multilingual

• For PC operation with the SimPad Link Box (will not work with VitalSim control unit)

• SimPad Link Box must be operating SimPad Software v 1.0.7 up to v 1.7.5 NOTE: Do not use SimPad SW 5.0.x or higher as the SW is not suitable for the Legacy Instructor Application.Download the latest software from the software section on the SimPad page.

• This ADVANCED software will only work with ELO touchscreen monitors and is not for use with SimPad Portable Patient Monitor or SimPad 17" Patient Monitors.

서울시 서초구 남부순환로 333길 9 효천빌딩 2층 (우) 06725
사업자등록번호 : 114-86-61993
통신판매업신고 : 2012-서울서초-194
대표이사 : 박태훈
전화 : 02-6714-8800 / 팩스 : 02-6714-8899

©2001 - 2022188体育直播比分 Laerdal医疗。保留所有权利。
