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Resusci Baby QCPR

High-performance training for infant resuscitation

Infant cardiac arrest does not happen often, but that’s exactly why healthcare providers need to train for it. Resusci Baby QCPR enables first responders to gain the skills and confidence they need to act quickly during this high-stress experience.

Training to perfection

Resusci Baby QCPRis a professional grade resuscitation manikin designed for High-Performance CPR skills and team training. Designed to be feature flexible, Resusci Baby QCPR can be upgraded for intraosseous infusion (IO) training and advanced airway management training, enabling first responders and teams to train for a variety of scenarios.


Feedback devices


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One Family. One Platform.

Resusci Baby QCPRis in the same product family as Resusci Anne QCPR and Resusci Junior QCPR. All three utilize the same wireless technology and work with the same feedback devices. Learn one Resusci QCPR manikin and know them all.

Resusci Anne QCPR有助于将CPR培训提升到新的精度和熟练程度。通过... Resusci Anne QCPR有助于将CPR培训提升到新的精度和熟练程度。By training with the same protocols, equipment, and techniques used in real emergencies, professional first responders can perfect both individual...

Resusci Anne QCPR

Improve individual skills to boost team performance and increase motivation. Prepare as accurately as possible... Improve individual skills to boost team performance and increase motivation. Prepare as accurately as possible to save a child’s life.

Resusci Junior QCPR

不确定哪种Manikin最适合您的目标?查看我们的大型变体CPR manikins.

Resusci Baby QCPRoffers a new level of precision training for treating babies in cardiac arrest.
