Research shows that quality bystander CPR are directly associated with positive cardiac arrest outcomes.1,2Training helps prepare a bystander to deliver CPR, but it is a challenge for instructors to provide accurate and objective feedback on their performance.

Little Anne is now available with feedback technology which has been shown improve CPR skill acquisition and performance.3

Efficient Teaching for Effective Learning

Little Anne QCPR allows an instructor to monitor up to six learners at the same time from the palm of their hand. The Little Anne QCPR Instructor App provides an easy to view performance summary that highlights which students may require further guidance.

At a glance you can pick up who is not compressing deeply enough, who is not compressing at the correct rate and who is overventilating.

Fun & Engaging

With objective feedback and scoring, learners are motivated not only to compete with one another, but also to try to beat their own best score. The competition element makes training more engaging and interactive and has been demonstrated to improve motivation.3

Measure to Improve

The following options can be used with the manikin to obtain live and summative feedback of CPR performance and automatic CPR improvement recommendations post-session. The feedback interface is consistent with other Laerdal QCPR solutions, and has been proven to be intuitive and effective for performing and improving quality CPR.

Instructor App

With this app, the instructor gets a performance overview of up to six manikins, simultaneously. Using their own observations and the objective feedback from the app, the instructor can quickly and effectively coach the learners to improve.

Real-time objective feedback for six learners

Performance summary with score and improvement tips

List of all saved results

Learner App

This app can be used by the learner to practice on their own. Multiple learners can also use the app to coach each other.

Real-time objective feedback for the learner List of all saved results


A small and portable feedback device that can be used as a supplement or standalone training.More about SkillGuide

What is QCPR

Learn more about how QCPR measurement and feedback technology can help you improve CPR quality, training efficiency and learner engagement.Read more...

Already own Little Anne?

All previous Little Anne models can be upgraded quickly and easily using an affordable upgrade kit.

Purchase the upgrade kit >


1. Link MS, Atkins DL, Passman RS, Halperin HR, Samson RA, White RD, Cudnik MT, Berg MD, Kudenchuk PJ, Kerber RE. Part 6: electrical therapies: automated external defibrillators, defibrillation, cardioversion, and pacing: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2010;122(suppl 3):S706 –S719.

2. Dine CJ, Gersh RE, Leary M, Riegel BJ, Bellini LM, Abella BS. Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality and resuscitation training by combining audiovisual feedback and debriefing. Crit Care Med. 2008

3. Smart et al. Does real-time objective feedback and competition improve performance and quality in manikin CPR training – a prospective observational study from several European EMS. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2015