患者监视器 - 添加现实主义
Integrating a simulated patient monitor enhances clinical realism and will challenge critical thinking skills.
The clinical skills training manikin for in-hospital pediatric professionals.
哺乳孩子provides training targeting key skills specific to pediatric care providers. Nursing Kid is designed to meet the training requirements for pediatric patient care and helps facilitate delivery of consistent simulations into nursing curricula.
阐明四臂允许s for practice of IV cannulation, medication administration and site care and maintenance. Venipuncture possible in the antecubital fossa and dorsum of the hand. Accessible veins include median, basilic and cephalic.
Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea, and esophagus along with simulated lungs and stomach allow the practice of many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care and suctioning, and insertion, securing and care of endotracheal tubes.
Optional Pediatric Trauma Modules add realism to the training scenario.
哺乳孩子operated via the SimPad PLUS System will improve your ability to deliver highly effective simulation based training and achieve your learning objectives.
SimPad PLUS System features:
护理儿童(P/N 350-05050)是一种训练Manikin,实际上代表了一个六岁的孩子。他专为基于技能和方案的各种儿科护理程序培训而设计。
* SimPad PLUS System (200-34001) and LLEAP for SimPad PLUS software (204-50150) is required for operation. Sold separately.
The system shall have the ability to simulate the following parameters: