Simple to operate用易于使用的拉手柄打开Every HeartStart HS1 comes ready-to-rescue. The device is pre-installed in the carrying case and battery and pads are pre-installed in the device. Simply pull up the handle on the front of the AED to activate it. |
Guided audio instructions通过培训来谈论您HeartStart HS1提供按需音频教练。平静,清晰的语音说明是针对响应者的行为量身定制的,在复苏期间为突然的心脏骤停受害者提供了AED和CPR指导。 |
Smart Biphasic therapy安全提供最大的冲击力飞利浦智能双相疗法使用高电流的独特组合 - 最大化有效性和较低的能量剂量,以最大程度地减少对脆弱心脏有害的副作用。 |
内置的自我测试Ready when needed你HeartStart HS1经过120点测试before it leaves the factory. On the job, it conducts self tests every single day, not just weekly. It performs over 80 different tests in all. Even the pads are tested for readiness. |
Quick Shock featureMinimize chest compression interruptionsCPR对生存至关重要。胸部压缩后迅速产生冲击至关重要。HeartStart HS1的快速震动功能减少了交付和冲击交付之间的时间。 |
集成的智能垫Senses application to patient skin The pads are "smart" because they can sense that they have been removed from the cartridge and applied to the patient. This helps the HeartStart OnSite know at what point the user is in the response process. |
视觉队列清晰,直观的图标驱动操作HeartStart HS1基于图形的视觉说明旨在通过最少的阅读和解释即时进行交流。用户不流利的设备语言可以轻松遵循。 |
产品规格 |
Defibrillator Number | |
Defibrillator Family | HS1 |
如何提供 | Defibrillator, battery (one, preinstalled), SMART Pads (one, preinstalled), Set-up/Maintenance guide with expiration date tags, Owner’s Manual, Quick Reference Guide. HeartStart现场(HS1)Ready Pack选件R01:内置外壳内部的除颤器,电池(一个,预安装),智能垫(一组预安装加和备用套件中的备用套件),设置/维护指南,带有到期日期tags, Owner’s Manual, Quick Reference Guide. |
波形 | Truncated Exponential Biphasic. Waveform parameters adjusted as a function of each patient’s impedance. |
治疗 | 成人除颤峰值电流:32A(150J名称),载入50欧姆载荷。小儿除颤(带有可选的婴儿/儿童智能垫弹药筒):19A(50J名称),纳入50欧姆负载。 |
Shock-to-Shock Cycle Time | 一系列冲击之间通常不到20秒。 |
Quick Shock | CPR间隔结束后,能够在八秒钟内产生冲击。 |
语音说明 | Detailed voice messages guide responder through use of the defibrillator. |
CPR教练 | Instructions for adult and infant/child CPR available at user’s option. |
冲击交付 | Via adhesive pads placed on patient’s bare skin as illustrated on pads. |
Controls | 绿色的智能垫弹药手柄,绿色开/关按钮,蓝色i-button,橙色冲击按钮。 |
指标 | 准备的光;蓝色button;小心灯。 |
物理要求 |
密封 | 固体对象per eN60529类ip2x profag-per Per en60529类ipx1 |
Temperature | Operating: 32º - 122º F (0º - 50º C) 备用:50º -109ºF(10º -43ºC) |
湿度 | 操作:相对0%至95%,无调 待机:0%至75%相对,无态度 |
Altitude | Operating: 0 to 15,000 ft (0 to 4,500 m) Standby: 0 to 8,500 ft > 48 hours and 8,500 to 15,000 feet < 48 hours |
冲击/下降滥用 | Withstands 1 meter drop to any edge, corner or surface. |
Vibration | 遇到EN1789随机和扫荡正弦,行动和待机状态中的道路救护车规格。 |
EMI(辐射/免疫) | Meets EN55011 Group 1 Level B Class B and EN61000-4-3. |
患者分析系统 |
患者分析 | Evaluates patient ECG to determine if a rhythm is shockable. Rhythms considered shockable are ventricular fibrillation (VF) and certain ventricular tachycardias (VT) associated with lack of circulation. For safety reasons, some VT rhythms associated with circulation will not be interpreted as shockable, and some very low-amplitude or low-frequency rhythms will not be interpreted as shockable VF. |
灵敏度/特异性 | 符合AAMI DF80指南和AHA成人除颤的建议(Circulation 1997; 95:1677-1682)。 |
伪影检测 | 通过伪影检测,起搏器伪像和电噪声的效果最小化。 |
电池类型(M5070A) | 9伏DC,4.2 AH,由一次性长寿命锂二氧化碳原代细胞组成。 |
容量 | 至少200次冲击或4小时的工作时间(EN 60601-2-4:2003) |
Install-By-Date | 电池的安装日期标记为从制造日期起至少五年。 |
待命生活 | 按安装日期安装电池时,典型的四年。(假设一个电池插入测试并且没有除颤的用途,将在指定的备用温度范围内以备用状态为AED供电。) |
SMART Pads |
成人智能护垫弹药筒 | M5071A defibrillation pads for patients 8 years of age and older or 55 lbs. (25 kg) and over. |
婴儿/儿童智能护垫弹药筒 | M5072A defibrillation pads for patients under 8 years of age or 55 lbs. (25 kg). Rx only. |
Energy Delivered | 成人:名义上的150焦耳,达到50欧姆负载 婴儿/儿童:名义上的50焦耳,达到50欧姆负载 |
如何提供 | 装有粘合剂除颤垫的一次性弹药筒单击Defbrillator,以获取集成垫溶液。 |
活动表面积 | 13.2英寸(85厘米) |
电缆长度 | 成人垫:54英寸(137.1厘米) Infant/Child pads: 40 in (101.6 cm) |
使用日期 | Cartridge is labeled with a use-by date of at least two years from date of manufacture. |
Training Pads |
成人训练垫弹药筒 | M5073A |
Infant/Child Training Pads Cartridge | M5074A |
Function | 特殊垫使HeartStart On Lotsite进入训练模式,并禁用其能量能力。培训垫具有8个现实世界培训脚本。与训练垫(包括)或用于Manikins的适配器一起使用。 |
Automated and User Activated Self-Tests |
Daily Automatic Self-Tests | 测试内部电路,波形输送系统,垫子和电池容量。 |
Pads Integrity Test | 专门测试用于使用垫的准备就绪(凝胶水分)。 |
电池插入测试 | Upon battery insertion, extensive automatic self-tests and user-interactive test check device readiness. |
状态指示器 | 眨眼绿色的“准备就绪”灯表示可以使用。听到的“ chirp”表示需要维护。 |
数据记录和传输 |
Infared | Wireless transmission of event data to a PC or Palm® PDA, using the IrDA protocol. |
数据存储 | ECG的前15分钟以及整个事件的事件和分析决策。 |